Thani Biotechnologies desarrolla terapias para obesidad y síndrome metabólico, mediante identificación de blancos enzimáticos y formulaciones eficaces.


Desarrollo de un agente terapéutico para el tratamiento de la obesidad y el síndrome metabólico

Dr Geoff Brooke (he/him)

Independent Non-Executive Chair

Independent Non-Executive Chair (appointed 1 March 2017)

Dr Brooke is a healthcare industry and venture capital veteran with over 30 years’ international experience as the founder, lead investor and/or Chairman/Director of numerous healthcare companies with a realised value of more than $1.5 billion. Most notably, he was the Managing Director and Founder of leading life sciences venture capital firm, GBS Ventures – one of Asia Pacific’s premier investors in the healthcare space. There, Dr Brooke was responsible for GBS’s healthcare venture activity in the region and raised $450 million in venture and private equity funds, focused on biopharmaceuticals, medical devices and services.

Dr Brooke was also responsible for numerous investments and exits via NASDAQ and ASX public listings and trade sales, as well as being lead investor in numerous investments syndicated in multiple rounds with premier US venture firms. Dr Brooke was also President and Founder of US-based seed healthcare venture capital firm, Medvest Inc., with investors including the venture capital arm of leading global multinational medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson. Medvest was focused on founding companies based upon healthcare-related technology, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, therapeutic devices, medical services and information systems.

Dr Brooke now acts as a private investor in, and independent director for, a number of small to medium-sized Australian and US private and public companies. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery from Melbourne University (Australia) and a Masters of Business Administration from IMEDE (Switzerland), now IMD.

During the past three years Dr Brooke has served as a Director of the following ASX-listed companies:

• Non-Executive Director of Acrux Limited (ASX:ACR) – Current

• Non-Executive Chair of Cynata Therapeutics Limited (ASX:CYP) – Current

Dr George Morstyn (he/him)

Independent Non-Executive Director

Appointed 1 December 2017

Dr Morstyn has more than 25 years’ experience in the biotechnology industry including as Senior Vice President of Development and Chief Medical Officer at Amgen Inc. Dr Morstyn had overall responsibility globally for drug development in all therapeutic areas including neuroscience at Amgen Inc. and was a member of the Operating Committee. Many new products were approved and launched during Dr Morstyn’s tenure. Prior to joining Amgen Inc. Dr Morstyn was the principal investigator on the earliest clinical studies of the haemopoietic colony stimulating factors (CSF). The CSFs were subsequently approved and launched and were a major medical breakthrough that have been used to reduce side effects of chemotherapy and enable transplantation in more than 20 million patients worldwide. The CSFs have become multi-billion dollar drugs. Since returning to Australia, Dr Morstyn has been a Non-Executive Director of various for-profit and not-for-profit companies, including many biotechnology companies.

Dr Morstyn is a medical graduate of Monash University (Australia), and obtained a PhD at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (Australia) and a FRACP in Medical Oncology following a Fellowship at the National Cancer Institute in the USA. He is currently an advisor to Symbio (Tokyo) Limos Biotech and TroBio. He is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.

Dr Morstyn has held no other ASX-listed directorships during the past three years.

View Dr Morstyn’s LinkedIn Profile

Dr Geoff Brooke (he/him)

Independent Non-Executive Chair

Independent Non-Executive Chair (appointed 1 March 2017)

Dr Brooke is a healthcare industry and venture capital veteran with over 30 years’ international experience as the founder, lead investor and/or Chairman/Director of numerous healthcare companies with a realised value of more than $1.5 billion. Most notably, he was the Managing Director and Founder of leading life sciences venture capital firm, GBS Ventures – one of Asia Pacific’s premier investors in the healthcare space. There, Dr Brooke was responsible for GBS’s healthcare venture activity in the region and raised $450 million in venture and private equity funds, focused on biopharmaceuticals, medical devices and services.

Dr Brooke was also responsible for numerous investments and exits via NASDAQ and ASX public listings and trade sales, as well as being lead investor in numerous investments syndicated in multiple rounds with premier US venture firms. Dr Brooke was also President and Founder of US-based seed healthcare venture capital firm, Medvest Inc., with investors including the venture capital arm of leading global multinational medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson. Medvest was focused on founding companies based upon healthcare-related technology, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, therapeutic devices, medical services and information systems.

Dr Brooke now acts as a private investor in, and independent director for, a number of small to medium-sized Australian and US private and public companies. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery from Melbourne University (Australia) and a Masters of Business Administration from IMEDE (Switzerland), now IMD.

During the past three years Dr Brooke has served as a Director of the following ASX-listed companies:

• Non-Executive Director of Acrux Limited (ASX:ACR) – Current

• Non-Executive Chair of Cynata Therapeutics Limited (ASX:CYP) – Current

Dr Geoff Brooke (he/him)

Independent Non-Executive Chair

Independent Non-Executive Chair (appointed 1 March 2017)

Dr Brooke is a healthcare industry and venture capital veteran with over 30 years’ international experience as the founder, lead investor and/or Chairman/Director of numerous healthcare companies with a realised value of more than $1.5 billion. Most notably, he was the Managing Director and Founder of leading life sciences venture capital firm, GBS Ventures – one of Asia Pacific’s premier investors in the healthcare space. There, Dr Brooke was responsible for GBS’s healthcare venture activity in the region and raised $450 million in venture and private equity funds, focused on biopharmaceuticals, medical devices and services.

Dr Brooke was also responsible for numerous investments and exits via NASDAQ and ASX public listings and trade sales, as well as being lead investor in numerous investments syndicated in multiple rounds with premier US venture firms. Dr Brooke was also President and Founder of US-based seed healthcare venture capital firm, Medvest Inc., with investors including the venture capital arm of leading global multinational medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson. Medvest was focused on founding companies based upon healthcare-related technology, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, therapeutic devices, medical services and information systems.

Dr Brooke now acts as a private investor in, and independent director for, a number of small to medium-sized Australian and US private and public companies. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery from Melbourne University (Australia) and a Masters of Business Administration from IMEDE (Switzerland), now IMD.

During the past three years Dr Brooke has served as a Director of the following ASX-listed companies:

• Non-Executive Director of Acrux Limited (ASX:ACR) – Current

• Non-Executive Chair of Cynata Therapeutics Limited (ASX:CYP) – Current

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Company Management

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Pablo González

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Juan Esteban

Juan Esteban

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Historia de Thani

Pontificia Universidad Católica


Thani Biotechnologies

2008-UC christus


2020-Thani Biotechnologies


Desarrollo investigación básica

Corfo CTI

Descubrimiento de moléculas

Caracterización preclínica

Spin off THANI


Prototipo Calidad de la FDA

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Carlos Fardella sobre el fármaco para la obesidad: “Este fármaco inhibe solamente el cortisol que se produce en la grasa abdominal y no el de las glándulas suprarrenal, ese es indispensable para la vida”

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Lugar:Dirección de Transferencia y Desarrollo PUC

Científicos chilenos, liderados por el Dr. Carlos Fardella, buscan fondos para desarrollar un fármaco contra el síndrome metabólico y sus enfermedades asociadas como hipertensión, colesterol alto y diabetes.

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Entrevista Droga chilena para bajar de peso-Radio Futuro-Dr. Carlos Fardella


Lugar:Radio Futuro

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